
My Summer Vacation

My summer vacation
In this summer vacation, I went back my hometown in Osaka, and there, at first, I met again my friends who has known for 6 or 7 years. To my surprise, they changed hair color, so when I saw them, I didn’t know them; although I changed hair color. I really enjoyed with them. A few days later, I went to
school with my friends which I graduated to meet my classroom teacher and my juniors who belongs to baseball club. My classroom teacher said to me “ You so changed!! I don’t know what you are.” And when I saw my juniors, I was astonished at the sight of practicing, because they didn’t know a rule of baseball and they practiced in silence. I thought that I must change these situations, and teach them a rule of baseball when I saw these things because I cannot rest for worry.

Next day, I joined the baseball practice. Generally, although they greet when they see their senior and their senior join a practice, my juniors didn’t do such a thing. So I got mad at them, and I told them off. When they started to practice, they tackled seriously, but they practiced in silence as expected. One of my friends said “Don’t practice in silence!!” After this, they raised their voice little by little. It kept on going for a month. I exhausted very much, but I felt achievement.

What I enjoyed in this summer vacation was camp in
Lake Biwa. I went to Lake Biwa with my friends. First day, we enjoyed BBQ. After that, we displayed fireworks and a rocket. After finishing firework, we were going to go spa, but it happened an accident. It was …………………flat tire!! I got very nervous. But next day, I had my car fixed, and we went to Kyoto, and there we especially nothing. But maybe I remember this camp!!

Word Count:322 words